

At Iracore, our polyurethane is formulated by our in-house chemists to meet the specific demand it will face in your environment.

Unlike many other urethane parts manufacturers, Iracore sources raw materials from major chemical producers. Our plant reactors then formulate compounds to create polymers that meet specific needs.



Iracore neoprene elastomers provide an advantage, giving corrosion protection from aqueous slurry, heat insulation properties and excellent sliding abrasion resistance.

Dense slurry pipeline systems in the Canadian oil sands industry are exposed to significant wear from sliding abrasion and corrosion. Iracore neoprene lined piping is an attractive alternative to extend service life over carbon steel piping materials.



Iracore rubber-lined products are manufactured in a broad range of compositions and configurations tailored to meet specific requirements for resistance to chemicals, abrasion, impact and temperature.

All rubber-lined parts are prepared for vulcanization (curing), a critical stage of rubber processing. The vulcanization is necessary to enhance the bond strength between rubber and steel.